Thursday, July 30, 2015


Isn't it crazy how you pick your friends? Just a random person you meet and you begin to know everything about them and you have common interests, something just clicks between you two.

I have two very good friends, my best friends I would like to call them. I have known them since we were children. For the most part as children we did everything together. High school was a breeze with my friends by my side. They were like family, I still consider them family actually. But then school was over... I know this happens but we sort of drifted apart. Work, college, children, marriage, etc.

We lost touch. That's what makes me sad. I know, I know, life happens. We still text once and awhile. I see their Facebook posts of their life and their new best friends. I have to admit, I was jealous. Why? My life really hasn't gotten as far as theirs. I have no children, I have fur babies though. I am in a long term relationship but marriage doesn't seem to be a priority for us. I am out of college but currently... Unemployed. I have numerous health problems and anxiety.

My life doesn't seem as full as theirs. I am cooped up in a house. I have a few new friends but I don't go out and have fun with them like my old friends do with their new friends. It depresses me. I watch online as their children grow. This especially breaks my heart, one child barely knows me. The other knows me as their Auntie but I rarely see them. It's true children grow too fast!

But what I am really trying to get at is... Frankly, I miss them! I miss seeing them everyday and the connection we had.  When we text, but we barely know each other anymore. I don't know how their life is going besides what they post online. I barely post online so they have no clue what I am up to. When we do text, the conversation ends apburtly, we don't even know what to talk about half the time! 

I guess it's what happens but I don't want to lose my greatest friends. I guess, I needed to vent. Can you relate?


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